Face to Face: Africa

face to face africa“Face to Face: Children of the AIDS Crisis in Africa offers a moving portrayal of life in Africa in the shadow of HIV/AIDS. It combines photography and narrative to capture the hopes and joys, struggles and sorrows of orphaned children left to survive on their own, often caring for younger siblings. It pays homage to the care-giving grannies, the little-known heroes of Africa, who have kept families together as traditional social networks collapse. It also presents some of the special challenges faced by children who are living with HIV. Finally, the book profiles some of the activists — the energetic people working at the grassroots level to help restore the well-being of thousands of children and families affected by the epidemic.”

Visit the website I designed for Face to Face: Children of the AIDS Crisis in Africa.


Separate Oil and State

Logos“Separation of Oil & State is a campaign to get oil money out of politics. Its important that we demand that our representatives stand up for the future of energy, not for the dinosaurs of the oil industry.”

Along with the post card for No War No Warming, I redesigned the Separate Oil and State (SOS) logo.

See more examples of the logos I have designed.


War, Warming, and our Addiction to Oil

no War No Warming“The Iraq War and Global Warming have one clear thing in common: Oil. BIG OIL.

Burning oil and gas is responsible for more than a third of global greenhouse gas emissions; the military is the largest single consumer of petroleum in the USA – which is, in turn, the largest consumer of petroleum in the world.

The oil industry has systematically funded efforts to discredit legitimate climate science and obstruct international negotiations for more than a decade.”


Rainforest Heroes

Rainforest Heroes“Even if you live far away from a rainforest, you are still more dependent on that rainforest than you might think. Take a walk around your house and you’ll probably find many household items that are products of the rainforest. Look in your fridge and you might find bananas, mangoes, avocadoes, Brazil nuts, or spices like vanilla and cinnamon. These all come from the rainforests. Some of the medicines we use when we are sick and some fuel for cars can come from the rainforests.”

I had the pleasure last year of working with the illustrations of Vanessa Waring. Along with her writing and that of Levana Saxon of Rainforest Action Network (RAN), we designed a Kids Action Toolkit for RAN’s education outreach program. For more information please visit www.rainforestheroes.com.
